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Antiracist APUSH


Antiracist APUSH refocuses the traditional AP US History curriculum with an antiracist lens. Their curriculum asks questions throughout the units and lessons to encourage students to analyze and challenge traditional historical narratives. The site provides research from leading professional historians with an emphasis on pointing out where the United States needs structural change. With each lesson, there are student handouts, slides, and a clear tie to the structure of an APUSH curriculum. 


EMPOWERMENT—Made by an educator for educators, this resource acknowledges the reality of teaching an AP course while actively challenging racist systems. 

FLEXIBILITY—Recognizing that every APUSH teacher has their own "must use" secondary source, Antiracist APUSH is designed to be flexible. Teachers can choose to integrate entire lesson plans or draw slides, quotes, and individual sources. 

CURIOSITY—Many Antiracist APUSH lessons use primary sources to prompt critical thinking about major historical themes or topics. Antiracist APUSH empowers students and educators to confront the gap between what professional historians have proven and what gets printed in state standards. These resources support deep reflection on how historical narratives are saturated with racism and build an understanding of the enduring impacts of racist policies. 

UTILITY—Organized by topic and unit, Antiracist APUSH lessons are ready to be integrated directly into a class without losing forward momentum. 


The self-guided and self-graded Google Slides quiz would be a great review tool as students prepare for the advanced placement exam.

Anti-Racist APUSH recently partnered with the Immigrant History Initiative to create supplemental lessons that center on immigrant experiences.

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