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Morningside Center


Morningside Center provides interactive workshops for school staff on social-emotional learning (SEL), restorative practices (RP), and equity. They provide a series of articles on the topic of "teachable moments” and connect current events to Common Core State Standards with research-based lessons. Their programs have a documented history of promoting both academic excellence and wellness in students. The emphasis on mental health can lead to declines in suspensions and other disciplinary measures. 


EMPOWERMENT—Morningside Center was founded by educators in 1982 and continues to engage teachers across the country in co-creating a culture of liberation. 

FLEXIBILITY—When a district or school partners with the Morningside Center, they receive a tailored program that includes interactive workshops, hands-on coaching, and ongoing support. 

CURIOSITY—Morningside's Teachable Moments series helps students make sense of current events, pairing highly relevant content with deep social-emotional learning. 

UTILITY—Curricular Resources are highly researched, CASEL tested, and ready for implementation in diverse school communities. 


Use their guidelines for community agreements to get the year off to a good start. 

Morningside Center’s programs are most effective when the entire school community is on board. If possible, utilize both professional development and curricular resources for the best outcomes.

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Website Copy © 2021 Education Without Limits

Website Design © 2021 Silvyn Tetreault

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