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First Annual Holiday Fundraiser

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This Holiday Season
EWL is fundraising $50,000!

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EWL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and we are creating technology for educators by educators to streamline lesson planning and allow peer collaboration. We strive to help educators avoid burnout and sustain their career in the field of education.


What problems are educators facing today?


  • Educators are leaving the profession at a rate of 8% per year. That means approximately 280,000 teachers leave every single year! 44% of teachers leave the profession within the first 5 years (2018 UPenn Study, Ingersoll).


  • High educator turnover adversely affects student outcomes. Quality education plays a vital role in the development of critical thinking skills which are hugely important in today’s world of technology and widespread misinformation.


  • National Education Association President, Becky Pringle states that staff shortages have left teachers unable to give students the one-on-one attention they need.


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The EWL Vision


We have a Phase One fundraising goal of $50,000 to build our technology platform EducatorHQ.


We are building the technology in phases. Once the technology is fully built, the sky’s the limit in terms of scalability.


Our goal is to have 80% of teachers using EducatorHQ by 2026 which means there will be 2.8M teachers using our technology!

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